Tuesday, 9 October 2007 - 3:47 PM EDT
Name: "Jeff Louck"Good idea to have a website , it looks great
Wednesday, 10 October 2007 - 10:11 AM EDT
Name: "Sharon Lewis Garrison"Hello Jeff, been a long time. Do you even remember me? Hope to see you next year at the reunion as I will be there with bells on. LOL!
Saturday, 20 October 2007 - 1:41 AM EDT
Name: "Mike Butcher"Whats up homeskillet. How are you doing? Give Vance a call he has my number. Would love to talk to you. Dont know if I will be able to make the next reunion but maybe we can hook up somewhere else or get ahold of you when I get in town. Talk to you soon.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007 - 5:37 PM EDT
Name: "Chris voorhis"Butcher email me sinpac@sbcglobal.net